torstai 17. helmikuuta 2011
English practise, part I
This post I wanted to write in English, just because I have a feeling my english is getting rusty and I would need to practise it, and also because I know my sister would love to practise her English too! So, for everyone, here's my English - propably not perfect but definetly my best.
Spent a day in HOPLOP - neighbourhood indoor-amusement park - and had lots of fun! Spent easily almost 4 hours there and had runs, jumps, slides, cars, balls, and everything you can imagine for 1 to 15 years old - and even older! We parents climbed and ran as good as little ones and enjoyed every minute. As a good mom I had, of course, hot chocolate in a termos and ham-sandwiches in a plastic bag... and got to know own meals are not allowed! (and we didn't care).
Picture is showing our lovely every-day-life. I just have soooo warm feeling inside me to see this kind of things finally in our house. Tractors everywhere, cars to step on to, legos in a washing machine, toy-trees under a carpet. Especially now when I am working again, my son's toys make me smile when I come home again after a long shift. He is sleeping already, but his toys tell me what he has been doing before bed time. It is ((mostly)) emotionally) damn hard to be a working mom, but still, it is definetly worth it. My husband loves to stay home with our son, and I love to see my collagues again, and what's best - we don't need to find a proper kindergarten for him, yet. That is a problem of next autumn, I suppose. So, I could say, I will take 3 months free from work to stay at home with my son. How wonderful is that, huh?? From the end of the May till the end of the August!! Yahoooo!
At the moment it is totally freezing outside in Finland. Last 1,5 weeks it have been minus 30 degrees celcius, daytime a bit warmer, but still - 20 celcius. I have been missing my Saudi-times a lot during these colds. I am missing my Saudi-time in a every sector, that's for sure. My dear friends, I will never forget you. My work there - how educational it was! All the experiences I had - cannot describe it. I would need to have an own blog for that. But definetly, in this cold climet, I am dreaming of warmness I had there. I am shocked how cold and how long the winter could take. Even I spent only one year abroad - I can see the difference - it is way too cold here in Finland!!!
We Finns are survivors. How else you could explain we still live here?? My son is not originally a Finn, but still, he looks like nothing could harm him. No matter how cold it is, he puts all the cloths on (when pressured enough by mom or dad), and steps outside to spade a bit of snow... actually there is wonderful iglus and tunnels in a snow I should show you but my time now is limited! :)
Would need to go for a sleep now. Hope you understood my english and there wasn't bad mistakes after all. Would like to continue to write in English in a future, what would you readers (all you three?? haha) think??
Love,, Suvinka
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